Reserve a massage
Reserve a massage by phone
Just give us a call and tell us when and how we can pamper you.
Reserve a massage by e-mail
Write us when you want which treatment. We will promptly confirm the appointment or make other suggestions.
Reserve massage with registration
If you register, you can reserve your feel-good treatment by registering. You only need to enter your data once, even if you come more often.
Reserve massage with registration
If you register, you can reserve your feel-good treatment by registering. You only need to enter your data once, even if you come more often.
Reserve massage without registration
If you do not want to register, you can also book a massage without registering.
Reserve massage without registration
If you do not want to register, you can also book a massage without registering.
Notes on online reservation
For the reservation we need at least your name and your e-mail address. You will receive confirmation by e-mail for each reservation.
In addition, we will send you a reminder by e-mail in good time before starting the treatment. Please cancel in time if you can not take the appointment.
You can always call us or send us an e-mail if you want to postpone your appointment.
Cancel an appointment
Please cancel your appointment as possible early enough (at least 24 hours before the start) if you are unable to keep it. Otherwise, especially in repeated cases, we reserve the right to charge the full amount of the treatment.